How to Set Up Automatic Downloads
To set up automatic updates, you will need to edit the crontab as user sos. To do this, open a Terminal (ApplicationsAccessoriesTerminal) and run:
crontab -e
Realtime Data
Permalink to Realtime DataFor realtime data, make sure that your crontab file has this (or similar) line:
12 * * * * /shared/sos/bin/ /shared/sos/media/playlists/rt_all.sos > $HOME/soslogs/lftpNomads.log 2>&1
You can change the playlist that gets downloaded by changing /shared/sos/media/playlists/rt_basic.sos to the full path of the playlist you want.
Regular Data
Permalink to Regular DataTo keep all your regular data up to date, make sure your crontab has the following lines:
0 0 * * 1 wget -m -nd -P /shared/sos/media/playlists/ > $HOME/soslogs/all-update.log 2>&1 0 2 * * 1 /shared/sos/bin/lftp_playlist /shared/sos/media/playlists/all.sos > $HOME/soslogs/all-update.log 2>&1 5 0 * * 1 /shared/sos/bin/scan_library > $HOME/soslogs/all-update.log 2>&1
To change the times of the downloads, look at this site for how the crontab works: Crontab Configuration.